Yes, you started a business in order to… make your own hours, do work that you’re passionate about, choose your projects and how you spend your time; maybe in order to be able to work from home or work from wherever you want? Awesome!
Now, raise your hand if you ALSO started a business because you wanted to change the world.
Right?! Right!! 🙂
You saw a need that wasn’t being met, a voice that wasn’t being heard, action that wasn’t being taken on behalf of others who need it. So, how is that going?
Sincerely, I ask this question genuinely because the truth is, our motivation and passion for change can feel right and amazing and then once we’re in the thick of business building it can be more challenging than expected.
It can be challenging to find ways to build our political and social beliefs INTO our businesses without fearing that it will negatively impact our client base and business partners or networks.
The truth is you can absolutely take a stance on politics and social change without compromising your business connections or burning bridges.
Here’s how:
Show AND Tell

In addition to being conscious of your website content and social media messaging—consider ways in which you can lead by example, SHOWING in actionable ways, how and why your stance matters to you and your business endeavors. You can do this by supporting businesses that are also taking a stand, and getting to know your audience on a level that allows for open conversations around important, world changing topics.
Welcome Tough Conversations

For anyone who has had a falling out with, well, anyone in their life, you know all too well how difficult it can be to have uncomfortable conversations. Especially when you go into them knowing that there may be a differing of opinions. Being willing to host discussions, be it on a public platform or privately, demonstrates thought leadership and initiative to take a stance.
Demonstrate Empathy

While I encourage people to not be afraid to call others out for being purposefully exclusionary, this doesn’t mean we eliminate our empathic side. Even if we find it difficult to understand how someone could have a different perspective, by keeping that empathy door open could lead to a dialogue that surprises and delights you both!
Make it Count

As I’ve stated before, don’t be afraid to show your stance on political or social issues. It’s okay to let people know how you feel about polarizing topics like immigration laws and a woman’s right to choose. So make it count! You can still be diplomatic and considerate in your delivery but it’s okay, and important, to take a stand.
Above all else, weaving political commentary and social change issues throughout the fabric of your business can legitimately help shape the future of the world—creating a future where people are accepted, celebrated, and respected.
While it can feel tricky to balance, what may be seen as divisive topics, what it comes down to is compassion, empathy, AND strength. Strength in voice, strength in character, and strength in endeavoring to keep going. Keep pushing forward with the messaging and actions that are aligned with you and with your business. Where we spend our time and money directly impacts how the world operates on every level. What you do and say matters. Keep going. Keep loving. Keep fighting for what’s right.