It can get tough running a business, managing household responsibilities, staying in touch with friends- all on top of finding time for self-care. Am I right? This is something that I struggle with sometimes, and it gets especially tough with my depression. But mental health is something that business owners don’t always talk about or focus on. We’re made to think that we need to devote our entire lives to our business in order to succeed. But I’ve found the opposite to actually be true.
If you’re putting all of your time and energy into your business, you have no room to stop and recharge. I know all too well that this can lead to burn out. Trying to take on an extra client or two can feel great in the moment, until you realize that you didn’t leave any time for your own self-care and mental health.
Sometimes figuring what to do for self-care can be half the battle, so I wanted to share some ideas that will hopefully inspire you to take a break from all of your hard work.
1. Read Or Listen To a Book

This is great for self care because it helps you to unplug not only from work, but also from the distractions of everyday life. While self-help books can be great in some situations, I think it’s a good idea to read something fun and light-hearted to really escape.
2. Get Outdoors

Getting away from your computer and into the fresh air always helps me clear my mind. You will be able to get some fresh air and relaxation that can help you recharge.
3. Play a Game

Take time away from working to do something completely different and spend some time playing a game. Whether it’s Animal Crossing or Mario Kart (My favorites), a board game with family and friends, or something on your phone, spending time doing something just for fun can be refreshing and just the self-care you need.
4. Get active

Doing some physical activity can leave you feeling reenergized and refreshed. Join a virtual zumba class, lift some weights, or do some gentle stretching to release those endorphins!
5. Have a Spa Night

Break out the face masks, jade rollers, and nail polish for a night of relaxation and pampering. Pop in a movie and get some snacks for a perfect evening. We all know there’s nothing that glowing skin and a manicure can’t fix.
6. Go to therapy

I know more than anyone that scented candles and getting outdoors can not solve mental health issues. Though it’s good to take breaks and participate in self care activities, there is no replacement for quality talk therapy with a mental health professional. If you need help finding one, check out Psychology Today’s “Find a therapist” tool or get in touch with your health insurance to find providers in your network. Don’t forget that you don’t have to be alone in this. ❤️