by Sheri Simmons
Success is a wonderful thing for anyone to have. But what does it mean when someone is successful? How is success measured? Success is a subjective word. This means the definition depends on who you ask. So what does success mean to you?
So many people want to be successful but don’t want to do the work and complete the process necessary to get there. Then they get mad because they didn’t accomplish anything they set out to do. One thing I can tell you about being successful is that you can’t cheat the grind. You have to do the work!
Being successful starts with you. You must be honest with yourself. If you know you’re lazy, what changes can you make to accomplish a goal you have? If you are a procrastinator what changes can you make to complete your goals? By paying attention to your habits and try to fix them you are well on your way to accomplishing any goal you set for yourself.
Are you disciplined and committed to working for what you want? If not your definition won’t succeed. Success is not something that comes overnight and stays with no work being done. You have to be consistent. You shouldn’t decide to be committed when your life is a complete hot mess. If you do this, you will only end up frustrated and upset. So again are you consistent, committed and disciplined? It takes work and you will fail. Failing is not a bad thing. We must fail. How do we know what not to do again? How will we know what to fix so we get better? It’s ok to start something and fail. You may realize that you hate it. The failure comes from never starting what you set out to do.
Knowledge is power. I disagree. We can learn pretty much whatever we want nowadays just off the internet. But what is the point of learning if we never apply what we learn. It’s a big waste of time to learn just to learn. You should be taking what you learn and applying it to your business or personal life. Whatever you are learning should be of great value and helping you to grow. Successful people don’t have time to waste. They are always working to be better than they were yesterday. And that’s what you should be doing as well.
2019 just started. What goals have you set for yourself? How do you plan to accomplish these goals? When you set goals, be realistic with yourself. If you have a huge goal, break it up into smaller goals. Smaller goals are easier to accomplish. As you accomplish each milestone, your self-confidence will increase. Feeling good about yourself is needed to accomplish goals. Whatever your goals are, remember that you need to be disciplined, consistent and committed to do the work to achieve.

Sheri Simmons is a Book Coach, Ghostwriter and Author from New York City. She is the author of 6 books and the ghostwriter of one. Sheri is dedicated to helping other people publish their books. She offers services, workshops and individual sessions to get people started with the writing and publishing process. Sheri’s desire to help people has lead her to write a book series titled Divine Assignment: Living My Life With Purpose.